This is the registration page for Sunday Catechesis, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and Family of Faith Catechesis. Please follow the required steps outlined here to ensure your family is fully registered for the fall.
*If you register AFTER October 1st, please email Christine Chow to make sure you get added to the appropriate communication lists and all other pertinent rosters, lists, etc.*
Step 0: Make sure you are a registered member of St. Theresa Parish by filling out your family information HERE.
Step 1: Fill out the registration form for your family. We strongly recommend you do NOT submit the form on a smartphone.
Mobile-Friendly form (Tablet)
Step 2: Go HERE to submit payment for your child's program.
Step 3: Go HERE to fill out your child's Medical & Media Release form.
Step 4: Discern how you will assist with your child's program this year. Weekly volunteers (such as catechists and small group leaders) will have registration fees waived (with the exception of the Sacrament Preparation fee).
Program overviews, tentative calendars, and volunteer sign-ups can be found at these links:
Is your child preparing for Confirmation this year? Please go to our High School Confirmation page for information. Registration for this program is handled separately.
Please contact Christine Chow if you require technical assistance.